
27% IR? 30% Fitment? | Employees are waiting with what the government decides

27% IR?  30% Fitment? | Employees are waiting with what the government decides One of the main demands of the employees is the implementation of IR and PRC implementation. Decide on which one of the two is enough for now. But the government is thinking of both. The IR is giving rise to the idea of ​​giving up. Given 27% of the AP .. Would the employees agree if it offered less? Anna is contemplating. If the employees don't agree, is it okay to do 27% during consultation? Anna was known to be doing that. But if the IR is given now, the PRC should not be implemented again after another three to four months. If the same 27% fitment will be implemented in the PRC then .. again employees will be in the situation. So now it is said that if the PRC is implemented with 30% fitment, there are plans for another five years. In the past, 43% of fittings, then scales in some categories, were higher than the given scales. Against this backdrop, it is reported that employees are satisfied with the implementation of PRC with 30% fitment. Or should I give it a 27% IR and then run it for another four and a half months then 3% with 30% fitment after PRC? The debate is on.

source: Sakshi paper

PRC news,Telangana state government employees PRC news,Telangana government employees IR news,

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