
Interview with Adam Muckle - Former President of The Tutors' Association

Interview with Adam Muckle - Former President of The Tutors' Association Adam is originally from Belfast and studied Classics at Durham University. After training as a Barrister, a chance conversation led him unexpectedly to tutoring. Over the past ten years, Adam has tutored here in the UK, throughout Europe and Asia, as well as online. He specialises in tuition for 9 to 13 year-olds preparing for pretest, Common Entrance and scholarship entrance exams. He was President of The Tutors’ Association from March 2016 to March 2019.

TTA is tutoring’s professional body in the UK, membership-led and not-for-profit. All its elected Directors, including the President, serve as volunteers, shaping its course. Under Adam’s leadership, membership trebled to almost 1000 and annual national conferences were established attracting upwards of 200 delegates. There was also more investment in staff and membership services, a new website and membership system, regular professional networking events, webinars and a blog where tutors and tuition providers can share knowledge and experiences. Among other things, importantly there was also greater outreach to the wider education landscape. There is now a growing recognition of the role of tutoring in society and a strong, responsible, representative voice within it, standing up for the sector

We talk about the following:
00:39 - Why he decided to go from being a barrister to a tutor
02:53 - What he likes most about tutoring
03:26 - What the TTA is and how it got started
05:09 - What the president of the organisation actually does
06:14 - His vision of what he wanted to achieve going into the role of president
07:13 - How well he was able to live into that vision
07:31 - Some of the key improvements to the TTA during his presidency
09:58 - What some of his proudest achievements were
11:09 - Personal challenges he had to overcome to live up to the role of president
12:27 - What he got out of the experience ultimately
14:17 - One thing he'll miss and one thing he won't miss about being president
15:31 - Plans for the future
16:13 - Why to join The Tutors' Association

For more information about The Tutors' Association, head over to

And for more information about Adam, head over to his website at

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