
Edit/Art Contest| Year Anniversary!!!

Edit/Art Contest| Year Anniversary!!! Thank you all so much for the support you have given me for almost a year.

•the edit must be of Skyler and Alexia. But you are welcome to add other OC’s and yourself if you want.
•Edit can not contain blood, gore,or anything you don’t think would be considered family friendly.
•You May not copy someone else
•This May be a Edit or Art.

•1st: Main character in either a series or movie (you’re choice). A shoutout. An edit. Your picture will be my profile pic.

•2nd: Secondary character in the series/movie 1st place winner is in. A shoutout. An Edit.

•3rd: background character in the series/movie 1st and second place winner is in. A Shoutout. And Edit.

•Honorable Mention: Background character in the series/movie 1st second and third place winner is in. Shoutout

~Edit due July 3rd. ~
~Winner will be said July 6th (my anniversary)!~

Comment if you will join the contest!

Make sure to put #DaySisterEarly19K

And on Instagram put: hashtag DaySisters19Kcontest

Love 💗 you guys!


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