
C++Now 2019: Marshall Clow “The View from a Standard Library Implementor”

C++Now 2019: Marshall Clow “The View from a Standard Library Implementor”

Presentation Slides, PDFs, Source Code and other presenter materials are available at:

Implementing the C++ standard library is both similar to writing a boost library and yet quite different. In this talk, I'll lead off with what are some of the challenges that a standard library implementor faces, as well as the advantages that one has.

Then, I'll apply the principles to the task of maintaining/improving a boost library, and note where the similarities and differences lie. Many of the motivations (stability, portability, etc) are almost exactly the same.

I'll also talk about balancing the needs of different "customers"; people who use the standard library in different ways, and what you can do to keep all (most?) of them happy.

Marshall Clow
Marshall has been programming professionally for 35 yearsHe is the author of Boost.Algorithm, and has been a contributor to Boost for more than 15 years. He is the chairman of the Library working group of the C++ standard committee. He is the lead developer for libc++, the C++ standard library for LLVM.

Videos Filmed & Edited by Bash Films:

Marshall Clow,C++Now 2019,Aspen,Computer Science (Field),+ C (Programming Language),Bash Films,conference video recording services,conference recording services,nationwide conference recording services,conference videography services,conference video recording,conference filming services,conference services,conference recording,conference live streaming,event videographers,capture presentation slides,record presentation slides,event video recording,

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