
硅谷区块链解码 A Visit to Silicon Valley: Decoding Blockchain and Unmasking People Behind

硅谷区块链解码 A Visit to Silicon Valley: Decoding Blockchain and Unmasking People Behind 硅谷区块链解码
A Visit to Silicon Valley: Decoding Blockchain and Unmasking People Behind
2016年以来,区块链和比特币成为硅谷热词,越来越多的技术极客、创业者,乃至传统互联网大公司涌入这个行业。此次硅谷之行中,小葱采访了硅谷风投教父Tim Draper、以太坊联合创始人Joseph Lubin、Ripple产品高级副总裁Asheesh Birla和OKCoin美国CEO Tim Byun等在内的多位币圈大咖,旨在通过与他们的对话,展现硅谷区块链生态的全貌,让公众对区块链技术有更深的认知,了解到区块链在世界最前沿的地方正在发生的故事。 
Cryptonews Hub has paid a visit to Silicon Valley and talked with big names in crypto land, such as Tim Draper, Ethereum co-founder Joseph Lubin, Ripple SVP Asheesh Birla and OKCoin USA CEO Tim Byun. Through a series of interviews with blockchain entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and developers, we seek to delve more deeply into the blockchain ecosystem in the world’s top technology hub.


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