9am: Cymbalta (lowers anxiety); Lamotrigine (lowers intensity of extreme moods); Gabapentin (lowers anxiety, lowers drug cravings); Bupropion/Wellbutrin (increased energy and lowers depression)
4pm: Gabapentin (lowers anxiety, lowers drug cravings)
11pm: Gabapentin (lowers anxiety, lowers drug cravings, assists with falling asleep); Trazodone (assists with falling/staying asleep; decreases anxiety and depression)
Names of medications: Cymbalta, Lamotrigine, Gabapentin, Bupropion/Wellbutrin, Trazodone
Just remember, I am not a doctor nor can I make recommendations as to what you decide to do. Just as humans are unique, treatments and recoveries must also be unique to the person. Sending love and best wishes to everyone!
Add me on Instagram for daily posts, funnies, and more about living with mental illness and my experiences as both an inpatient in hospital and outpatient living at home! or username: notsorrylovelori