
Delhi aunty asks men in restaurant to rape women wearing short dresses viral video |Topreporter news

Delhi aunty asks men in restaurant to rape women wearing short dresses viral video |Topreporter news Delhi aunty asks men in restaurant to rape women wearing short dresses viral video |Topreporter newsलड़कियों ने पहने छोटे कपड़े तो चिढ़ गई महिला, कहा- 'तुम लोगों के साथ तो रेप होना चाहिए...' वायरल हुआ VIDEO

गुरुग्राम (Gurugram) के एक मॉल के रेस्टोरेंट में एक अधेड़ उम्र की महिला ने 7 लड़कों को इकठ्ठा कर कहा कि सामने जो लड़किया छोटे कपड़े पहनकर बैठी हैं उनके साथ रेप करना चाहिए.
Video of Woman Saying Girls Wearing Short Dresses Should Be Raped Sums Up India's Victim-Blaming Culture
Unfortunately, the woman is a mere specimen of our society; her statements only seek to affirm the notion that women ask for it every time they get raped, a notion as old as the hills.
By now you would have already seen the video of the woman who reportedly asked men at a restaurant to rape a group of women because one of them was wearing a short skirt. This was in Gurgaon, near Delhi. However, the video isn't about just a woman or just an incident. The video perfectly captures our society where women's clothing is used to avoid answering the more important question - why do men rape?

For officials, it is easier to simply claim that a woman wearing 'provocative' clothes or the fact that she was out late at night. Because, of course, the perpetrator is a mere victim in the scheme of things.

"She asked for it."

Maybe she was wearing short clothes. Maybe she was inebriated. Maybe she was out with male friends. The society is quick to label her and claim that she asked for it because, apparently, everything that a woman does or wears is to appease men.

The video which has gone viral showed a middle-aged woman 'slut shaming' a young girl for wearing short clothes. The incident occurred at Nukkadwala restaurant on Sohna Road. Shivani Gupta shared the video on her Facebook profile which led to an outrage on social media.

"Today my friends and I were harassed by a woman at a restaurant for me wearing a short dress. This middle-aged woman you’ll see in the video addressed seven men at the restaurant to rape us because she felt we deserved it for wearing short clothes and bashing her unsolicited opinion," she wrote.

Shivani alleges that the woman verbally abused the girls at a restaurant and shamed one of them for wearing a short skirt. She didn't stop at that. She alleges that the woman in question even asked the men in the restaurant to rape the girl as punishment for daring to wear the clothing of her choice.

At first, the girls were planning to turn a blind eye to the whole event, like most of us usually do. But they eventually took on the woman at a shopping centre and cornered her in order to get her to apologize. But, to no avail.

In the video that has been posted on Facebook, the woman seems adamant and refuses to budge from her point of view.

In the video, another middle-aged woman can be seen defending the girls. But that did not help either. At the end of the video, the woman lashes out at the girls and claims that because of "girls like these" other girls end up getting raped. She also addresses the parents of the girls and asks them to control their daughters.

Unfortunately, the woman is a mere specimen of our society; her statements only seek to affirm the notion that women ask for it every time they get raped, a notion as old as the hills. While we do not condone the video under any circumstances, it would do well to note that the woman is just a drop in an ocean full of people who uphold the same viewpoint. Today, her deplorable video is going viral because this woman voiced the toxic, repressive mentality that a majority of the Indian society already nurtures.

While the woman's view is abominable, and the video has gone viral with over 15,000 shares, does shaming on social media help the cause?

The video's comment section is a mere proof of how toxic social media can be. While some commented on the woman's body and fat-shamed her, some even posted rape threats. In essence, reaffirming what the woman in question said.

Soon after the video went viral, a photo of the woman wearing a dress has spread like wildfire on social media. Needless to say, the photo was taken from her profile without her consent. How is this alright?

Let's just acknowledge the sad truth about the video: This is not about this single woman, this is what the Indian society sounds like.
Delhi aunty, #Raperape_women , #Shivani_Gupta , #Rape_remark , Gurugram, Delhi restaurant

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